Sunday, July 17, 2011

Slaughtered Oxen and Burnt Plows

After 18 years working for Michelin R&D, we have officially resigned to follow God's call to Alaska. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah (at God's instruction) annoints Elisha as the next prophet. Elisha was a farmer using his oxen & plow to make a living. In response to God's call, Elisha slaughters his oxen and burns his plow. At that point there was no turning back for Elisha!  As we read through 1 Kings we were inspired by Elisha's total obedience.  We have prayed to God to show us the proper time to resign and that time is now.  We have slaughtered our oxen and burned our plow and there is no turning back.

When are you leaving?
This is the most common question we are asked.  Our goal is to relocate to Alaska 
in mid-September.  When we learned for sure that I will deploy with the Air National Guard in November for four months, I began to think our desire to relocate this Fall would not happen. However, Jennifer's heart is to move forward with the relocation prior to my deployment.  She desires for the other nine Bodos to get established in Soldotna and begin their service. 
I LOVE MY WIFE'S HEART - what a gentle gift from God she is. 

So the answer to the question... "When are you leaving?" is... "When God provides the resources." We are ready and willing now. 
  • God has provided 60% of our outbound costs and 17% of our monthly costs.  This is such a praise!
  • The monthly support our partners have provided since May is being rolled into our outbound costs.
  • In order to relocate we must have 100% support of our monthly costs committed to. 
  • The monthly support you provide now will continue to build our outbound costs until we relocate
GOD's Provision!
God continues to sustain us as we continue to build our support team.  In Exodus 16, God provides manna for the Israelites as they are moving through the desert.  Manna was not what they were looking for - the Israelites remembered the pots of meat they had when they were in captivity in Egypt.  However, God, knowing what they needed, provided manna to sustain them.  Our family remembers the security we enjoyed prior to beginning this journey.   We had a steady paycheck and lots of family time together;  the kids were thriving in school and playing soccer for a local club.  Now God is providing for us through the Air National Guard and I must travel frequently.  It is not what we were looking for but it is perfect.  The paychecks are never guaranteed but they are always there.  The kids are not able to return to school this semester but they are learning that our family can be salt & light in the community everywhere we go.  The kids are not able to play for the soccer club.  However, they are bonding as brothers and sisters and learning to love each other. 

 AMEN!  God is providing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bodo family. I heard about you guys through my sister-in-law Cindy Baxley. My husband (her brother obviously) is also a C-130 pilot. He is active duty and we are currently in Cheyenne, Wy. He is deploying in November as well. Not sure if it is ok for me to put where he is going out there but I wonder if you guys will be in the same place.
    I will be praying for your family's big change over the course of a deployment! WOW! That is amazing! My e-mail address is: if you would like to e-mail me it might be possible for you two to meet up across the pond.
