Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Six Months of Deputation...

It is hard to believe we completed our Candidacy with MARC and started to raise support 6 short months ago.

8 Bodo Kids in Downtown Charlotte 
Our summer was very busy with Deputation and Air National Guard trips.  James spent most of the summer out of town with the Air Guard and when he was home we were busy speaking about Alaska.  We did get to spend most of August together as a family in Charlotte as James worked at the Air Guard. 

We sent an updated newsletter today.  Highlights...
  • We had a successfully busy summer engaging different groups to tell them about the work God is doing in Alaska
  • We have raised 40% of our Support
    • 62% Outbound Budget / 33% Monthly Budget / 24% Prayer
  • Currently all Monthly Support received is going to our Outbound Budget
  • Our new target for relocation to Alaska is May 2012
  • James will be deployed with the Air Force over the holidays
  • Our home is still on the market and continues to show well
Our hearts are in Alaska and we cannot wait for the day we will be serving the people of Village Alaska.  The last 6 months have been exciting at times and difficult at times, but we can see God's fingerprint in all of it.

Please continue to lift our family up in prayer...

1 comment:

  1. Soooo nice to hear from you and that you will be soon in Alaska.
    We have some problems with visa, but we trust that god will do it right.
