Friday, July 1, 2011

Deputation UPDATE!!!

Since we returned from Candidacy in April we have been extremely busy with Deputation - coordinating, presenting, mailing, thanking, following up ...

God is teaching us many things!

Our faith continues to grow!
I have been flying full-time at the Air National Guard to meet our budget until our support is in place.  As I write this I am deployed to Albuquerque, NM with the N.C. Air National Guard to fly and drop fire retardant on the largest fire in New Mexico history.  This fire is growing so fast it has the potential to threaten the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

It is humbling to see the compassion in people's eyes when we tell them about Village Alaska - the alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sexual abuse and hopelessness of these Godless villages.  It is exciting to share how Missionary Aviation Repair Center and Samaritan's Purse are bringing the Hope of JESUS CHRIST to these villages.  There have been many incredible exchanges with people and new relationships developed as we have been given opportunities to tell people the good news about what God is doing in Alaska and give them the opportunity to partner with us. 

H I G H L I G H T S:
  • PRESENTATIONS - 3 churches and 3 Sunday school classes.
  • CHURCH PARTNERS - working with 2 Upstate churches and 3 Charlotte churches.
  • MAILINGS - 200 Support Packages have gone out to individuals & families.
  • MAJOR MILESTONE! - 54.5% of our outbound costs!!!  This is a huge praise!  These are not just promises but actual donations that have been received at MARC on our behalf.  AMEN!  Glory to God!
  • THIS SUMMER - many exciting opportunities coming this summer to share how God's Grace and Mercy are changing lives in Village Alaska (Sunday school classes, church services, Global Impact Seminar ...). 

How Can YOU Help???
  • PRAY for our family as we share this exciting work.
  • PRAY for new opportunities for us to make new relationships.



There are other ways to give if you are not comfortable with the Internet.  Please contact us at:
(864) 350-5411

james & jen

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