Saturday, April 9, 2011

Back from Candidacy

The kids had a great time playing in the snow with Mr. Jim during our last days in Alaska...

While we were in Soldotna our family lived in Kenai in the home of Mr Jim, as the kids lovingly called him.  He could have been simply a gracious host as he opened his home to a family of 10, but he was much much more than that.  In three short weeks Mr. Jim became our very good friend.    Sunday (April 3rd) we were privileged to be there when Jim celebrated his final day working for the Federal Aviation Administration and we had a little gathering at his house.  This is a picture of us all gathered around in Jim's living room playing Apples to Apples Bible edition. Jim is in the center of the picture standing up with a blue shirt on.

Tuesday (April 5th) was our last day in Soldotna.  We had to say goodbye to all of our dear friends at M.A.R.C.  It was difficult to leave but we know we will return as soon as the deputation process is complete.
M.A.R.C. lobby

Len holding Hannah
We drove up to Anchorage on Tuesday night and it was a beautiful drive.  On the way out of town we got one more cup of coffee from our favorite of the 10,000 coffee shacks in Soldotna/Kenai, the town where  the number of coffee shacks is equal to the population.  It snowed extremely hard as we crossed the pass between Soldotna and Anchorage. The snowflakes were as large as silver dollars and the scenery was God's gift. Tuesday night we were at Elmendorf Air Force Base.

Wednesday we had the privilege of eating lunch with Mike Procter, who is the Executive Director of SBC in Alaska.  We learned a lot from him about the work the Southern Baptist Convention is engaged in all around Alaska.  We also enjoyed some delicious Chinese food with him - we wish we had remembered to take some pictures.

Wednesday night we worshiped with the church family at Anchorage First Baptist church.  Wednesday afternoon we met with Ed Gregory, the pastor of this incredibly friendly church.  You would have to meet Pastor Gregory to understand how comforting he is.  We shared with him all the work that God has been doing in lives of the Bodolosky family.  At the end of our meeting he prayed with us.  A few hours later we went to the evening dinner and worship.  We felt so incredibly welcome.  When we walked through the door, Kathleen picked up Hannah and became her instant buddy.  I was teasing Kathleen and said, "We will get Hannah from you after dinner."  She said, "OK" and took Hannah to her table.  She fed Hannah and loved on her the rest of the evening.  Pastor Gregory introduced our family and our mission at dinner and did not get one single child's name wrong.  I could not have summarized the work of M.A.R.C. better than he did.  From the love of the members to the comfort of the pastor we loved our time at First Baptist Anchorage.

Well Thursday morning had to come and it was an early morning.  We got up at 2:30 a.m. and started the process of heading from Anchorage, Alaska to Minnesota to Atlanta to Greenville.  It was snowing and 30 degrees in Anchorage as I walked from the
van dropoff to the Delta terminal.  Nine bags to check-in and nine bags to carry - it worked like a well oiled machine.  We made it through security without a hitch and we did not lose a single child.  Praise God!  We took up 3 rows on the left side of the airplane.  We all wore our M.A.R.C. TShirts and got a bunch of questions about our mission with M.A.R.C.

We have arrived safely back in Greenville very hungry and very tired.  The only food we had during the day was Delta pretzels, cookies and peanuts.  Not to mention lots of coke and sprite.  Sixteen hours of junk food and the kids were still amazing.  I am so proud of how they behaved and showed the love of Jesus Christ the entire time.

We spent our first day home helping our sweet friends, the Weavers, move out of the home they just sold.  The Weavers have been such a blessing to us during this process.  They even kept our van for us while we were in Alaska, to avoid paying parking fees, and met us at the airport late at night when our plane landed to come home. What a blessing to have Christian friends like them.

When we finally arrived home late last night there were encouraging notes all around our home written by the Realtors that looked at our home during the Open House Tracy coordinated.  In addition there were breakfast muffins and a snack plate for the kids.  In the refrigerator was an amazing dinner prepared by Kendra from her and her sweet (and growing) family.

While we were in Alaska for Candidacy what a blessing our Taylors family was to us.  We knew many of you were praying for us daily and many of you also provided much needed support.  Dawn responded to our many emails with questions about addresses and contacts.  Beckie and Shannon covered the 7th grade Sunday School class in our absence.  Many provided words of encouragement via facebook, email and texts.  There is no way we could have successfully traveled with this large family to remote Southern Alaska to continue this journey God has called us to without the loving support of our Taylors FBC family.  This is truly the body of Christ - many members with many functions.

Now we are digging into the Deputation process but first we have to unpack our bags ...

Keep us in your prayers ...

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for the amazing story He is writing with your family. I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to hear about the next chapter!

    Brian Cain
