Saturday, April 2, 2011

Praise God!

We Have Been Invited to Join the M.A.R.C. Team!

Thank you for praying for our family over the past 4 months as God has been preparing us for this ministry.  We knew many were praying for us yesterday as Jennifer and I went before the Candidacy Committee. 

Caleb was so excited when he got the news that we are invited to join the M.A.R.C. team !!!

Jennifer and I arrived at M.A.R.C. early yesterday morning.  As the committee arrived, everyone was in a good mood and friendly.  When the committee began their final discussion before informing us if would be invited to join the MARC team Jen and I got a little nervous.  We knew God had led us to Alaska, and as doors have continued to open, it has become very clear that MARC is where God would have us to serve.  However, we also knew that God could close this door and we would have to be obedient to that.

The committee went into the room around 8:15 and Jennifer and I waited in David and Karin's office.  One of our good friends, Greg, talked to us to keep us distracted as the minutes ticked by.  Around 8:45 we started to wonder, "What is taking so long?"  "Are they discussing the clarity of our calling, the quality of our marriage, my flying abilities, the discipline of our children... ?"  So much had been poured into preparing for this one moment - God's calling in May, my mission with the Air Guard in September, our application in October, our visit to MARC in November, communication with the prayer team, invitation to candidate in March, preparation of our house for the market and flying a family of 10 to a remote town in Alaska ...  Now we were sitting in David and Karin's office knowing that God was about to reveal to us through this committee if MARC would be part of our journey.  Finally just before 9:00 the doors opened and Wendy came out - she had a big smile on here face.  However, I don't know if I've ever seen Wendy not smile - she's just a very sweet person and smiles a lot.  Then Drew came out and asked if we were ready.  Jen and I walked into the room and there was the committee around a table - Drew, Wendy, Travis, Mike and Bob.  They had placed two empty chairs in the front of the room for Jen and I to sit in.  There we were with the committee looking at us - no pressure of course.  Drew had some words to say about the discussion of the committee - mostly there were questions about the responsibilities I would have with the Air National Guard if I continue to fly for the Guard after relocating here.  This is a new scenario for MARC and they want to be sure it is good for the mission and good for our family.

Finally with a joyful smile on his face Drew announced:
"It is the committee's unanimous decision that we would like to invite the Bodolosky family to join the M.A.R.C. team" 


Here are some pictures from our last few days here in Soldotna. 

Wednesday night we were at the home of David and Karin Reese.  They live across the Cook Inlet from Mount Redoubt - one of the volcanoes in the Aleutian Range. 
Redoubt is currently active as is evidenced by steam coming from the volcano.   This picture is taken from David and Karin's deck.  Mount Redoubt last erupted in 2009 and before that 1989.  In 1989 it spewed ash up to 45,000 feet and caught a Boeing 747 in the ash.  Fortunately the flight landed safely in Anchorage.

Here is a picture of the 1989 eruption (from google)

Last night we were having dinner with Tom and Wendy Turner and it started snowing.  The kids were outside jumping on the trampoline with the Turner's kids.  Grace has become an Alaskan already jumping in just a T-shirt and skirt.

James has not had a jacket on in over a week:
The boys also got to shoot guns with Mr. Turner:

What a shot!  Now we don't have to eat roadkill moose !!!
ok it's really a picture we downloaded from the Internet but it makes a good story.

Please continue to keep us in prayer as we go through this week.  We will be in training on Monday and Tuesday and then start our journey back toward S.C.  Tuesday night we are travelling back to Anchorage, Wednesday we have a few meetings in Anchorage and Thursday we fly home.

In Christ

The Bodos

1 comment:

  1. We are super excited for you guys! What an amazing journey God has brought you on. I cannot wait to see HIM work as you begin step 2--final prep for the move.

    And what an AMAZING view from the Reese's deck! More glimpses of HIS glory!!
