Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Please Continue to Keep us in Your Prayers

This past weekend we took some time off as a family and went to a small town south of Soldotna named Homer.  Homer is a beautiful little fishing town that is just about as far south as you can drive on the Alaska road system.  From there if you want to explore further south (down toward the Aleutian Islands) you have to use the ferry system or aviation.  We had a great time exploring the beaches, looking for bald eagles (which are everywhere here) and eating halibut.

On Sunday we visited a church that we attended during our November 2010 visit - College Heights Baptist Church.  We feel very at home at College Heights and can see our family becoming involved in that church when we relocate here to serve at M.A.R.C.  There are kids at College Heights that match up to the ages of our kids and they all seemed to be comfortable in their classes.  Jen and I visited an adult class where we studied the balance between Truth and Grace.  The discussion was very encouraging.

After church we visited the beach.  It's not like the East Coast beaches.  The beaches are very rocky and they are still ice covered.  We took some great pictures of some of the kids on the beach (Jen, Ashleigh, Hanah and Caleb decided to view God's beauty from the warm car):

Some of the Bodo kids standing on a chunk of ice

Grace the Explorer (or a Princess on Ice)

Joshua the Explorer

Some of the Bodo kids standing in front of a sheet of ice that came in with the tide

Jacob the Conqueror

We have one week left for our time here at M.A.R.C. for candidacy.  Please continue to pray for us as we continue to seek God's face in this experience.  This Friday our Candidacy Committee will meet again to decide if they would like to invite us to join the organization.  We will meet with them at 8:30 local time on Friday (12:30 east coast).  We will be returning to Greenville on April 7th and will be back at Taylors on April 10th.  We look forward to seeing all of you and sharing our experiences and testimonies.

In Christ 

James & Jen (&Ashleigh, James, Sarah, Jacob, Joshua, Grace, Hanah and Caleb) 

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